
RCORP Disparities Impact Statement Webinar Materials

This webinar provided RCORP grantees with the tools to complete a disparities impact statement, to support efforts to address populations in rural communities that have historically suffered from poorer health outcomes and health inequities as a part of the prevention, treatment, and recovery of SUD/OUD.
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Addressing Challenges Around SUD Treatment in Adolescents Part 2 Materials

As substance use and its progression to impairment, loss of control, and development of substance use disorders is a significant problem for adolescents and young adults, this presentation will provide a more in-depth review of developmentally informed approaches to engaging youth and their families in treatment. In this Part 2, the presentation will provide details on treatment options and developmentally informed approaches to engaging youth and their families in treatment.
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SAMHSA: Rural Behavioral Health Programs

Advancing health equity involves ensuring that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This also applies to behavioral health. In conjunction with quality services, this involves addressing social determinants, such as employment and housing stability, insurance status, proximity to services, culturally responsive care – all of which have an impact on behavioral health outcomes.
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RSV 2022 Session 2A: Federal Resources for Maternal and Child Health (Day 1)

During this session, Dr. Lopata discussed federal/HRSA investments focused on improving the health outcomes for and reducing health disparities among maternal and child health populations. More specifically, Dr. Lopata discussed the multiple programs/interventions funded by HRSA that together work (along with federal, state, regional, and local partners) to improve the prevention, screening, and treatment of opioid use disorder during pregnancy and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome in the United States.
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Contingency Management Resources

These contingency management resources include a statement and advisory opinions from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. Additionally, the Contingency Management factsheet provides an overview of the approach.
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Model Policy Considerations for Peer Support Employers: Substance Use Recurrence Webinar Materials

Data supporting the positive outcomes associated with peer support integration throughout the substance use disorder continuum of intervention and care has led nationally to systems integrating members of this relatively new workforce into their teams. Among most peer certifying authorities, sustained recovery from substance use disorder is one of the requirements to become a peer. Although substance use recurrence or “relapse” is not common among those in sustained recovery, it does happen. This webinar will introduce suggested considerations when attempting to draft model recurrence policy for peer support employers.
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