
Protective factor

Supporting Students: An Overview of Collegiate Recovery Programs (CRPs) Webinar Materials

Closing in on 50 years of existence, collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) offer addiction recovery support services to students on college campuses. A historically underserved population, this webinar explored the ways in which collegiate recovery programs meet the needs of students and how they can play a role in achieving core recovery outcomes in your community.
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A Primer for Implementation of Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution in Jails and Prisons

Over the past 20 years, drug overdose deaths have increased dramatically in the United States. Most of these deaths involved opioids, including prescription pain medications, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. These are called opioid-related overdoses and often occur as a result of respiratory depression caused by opioids, even when other medications and drugs are involved.
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Understanding and Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Opportunities to Improve Health Outcomes A Guide for Rural Health Care Leaders

This guide provides rural health care leaders and teams with foundational knowledge, strategies, and resources to understand the impact of social determinants of health (SDOH) on patients and communities. It organizes key information and resources to help the busy manager support and lead education and discussion with front-line staff. This guide focuses on (1) understanding the need and opportunity around addressing SDOH, (2) using local data to support decision making, and (3) involving team members to plan and implement action steps.
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Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Within Syringe Service Programs

Syringe service programs (SSPs), which provide access to sterile syringes and other injection equipment and their safe disposal after use,* represent a highly successful human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention intervention. SSPs are associated with a 58% reduction in the incidence of HIV infection among persons who inject drugs. In addition, SSPs have led efforts to prevent opioid overdose deaths by integrating evidence-based opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) programs. OEND programs train laypersons to respond during overdose events and provide access to naloxone and directions for drug delivery. SSPs are ideal places for OEND because they provide culturally relevant services designed to reach persons at high risk for experiencing or observing an opioid overdose.
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Generations United:

Generations United's National Center on Grandfamilies works to enact policies and promote programs to help grandfamilies address challenges.
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Overamping or Speed “Overdose” Guide

The goal of this booklet is to get us all to take the issue of overamping seriously and to bring attention to it as much as other kinds of “overdoses,” and also to recognize all the smart things people already do to keep themselves and their friends safe.
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