Law Enforcement


Opioids, Race, and Drug Enforcement: Exploring Local Relationships Between Neighborhood Context and Black–White Opioid-Related Possession Arrests

This study presents a spatial analysis of arrests involving Blacks and Whites for possession of heroin, synthetic narcotics, and opium offenses. We identify the ecological conditions associated with opioid-related arrests using geographically weighted regression (GWR) methods that illuminate local patterns by allowing coefficients to vary across space.
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Stigma Webinar Series- Part II- Re-grounding Our Response in MD and WV: Statewide Efforts to Reduce Stigma Through Collective Impact Resources

This webinar will introduce attendees to the infrastructure, implementation, impact and adaptation of Regrounding. Our Response, a statewide effort to address stigma through collective impact underway in Maryland and being adapted in West Virginia. Structured around 5 curriculum areas, each addressing a persistent myth instrumental in upholding stigma related SUD/OUD, the content is delivered within the state at no cost by one of the 25 master presenters trained from across regions and sectors—a process being captured by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, who are producing a toolkit that is forthcoming.
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Region 4 Meeting: Thinking Outside the Box from Prevention to Recovery: Thanks, COVID-19

This presentation discussed the evolution of North Carolina’s formerly siloed sectors: prevention, treatment, & recovery. The introduction of Recovery Community Center (RCC) funding helped to develop a network of community-based recovery support services. However, when one of NC’s strongest prevention coalitions received RCC funding, they took it to another level. Keeping strongly rooted in its prevention identity, they expanded their growth into authentic recovery support services and non-arrest diversion partnerships with local law enforcement and treatment providers. Implementation II grantee Wilson Substance Prevention Coalition illustrated some of its full continuum of care programming and how it has adapted to the pandemic’s challenges
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Get Naloxone Now Save Lives

Get Naloxone Now is an online resource to train people to respond effectively to an opioid overdose emergency.
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