Featured Grantee
Butler County of Ohio

Oxford Area Addiction Response Initiative: The State of Ohio has been on the forefront of the addiction crisis since the opiate epidemic came to light in the early 2000’s. Oxford is located within Butler County, Ohio. In Oxford, approximately 2,992 students are enrolled in grades K-12 in the Talawanda School District, and more than 18,000 students from 50 states and 79 countries are enrolled at Miami University. This unique mix of community members, K-12 students, and a diverse university population and their daily interaction pose the need for a multi-system network of community and school resources as well as service integration. To address the needs of this community, a six-member consortium team was convened which includes the Butler County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Services Board, Talawanda School District, the Coalition for a Healthy Community – Oxford Area, Miami University, McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital TriHealth, and Epiphany Community Services. The Regional Harm Reduction Collaborative and the Butler County General Health District provide additional advice and input.
In the first 1 ½ years of the grant period, the consortium has implemented several initiatives. The Oxford Hope campaign was developed in collaboration with Hyperquake, and the central messaging is, “Find us where a community comes together. Where we help our neighbors and friends when they need it the most. Where we shine a light on addiction without shame and build a road to recovery. United, Oxford chooses hope.” The campaign aims to inspire hope for addiction recovery and decrease the stigma associated with addiction. Campaign information can be found at OxfordHope.com, and messages are promoted throughout Oxford on yard signs, flyers/stickers, uptown banners, and Kroger carts.
Within McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital TriHealth, a peer support specialist from DeCoach Rehabilitation Centre is now being used onsite three days a week. Peer support staff is available through telehealth while off-site and follows up with the clients for up to one year. Miami University has used grant funds to implement Generation Rx University, a national program that aims to prevent prescription drug misuse on college campuses. Grant funds were also used to acquire medication lock bags for campus distribution to students, faculty, and staff. The Talawanda School District is working to implement Handle with Care within the school system and has implemented a social and emotional learning (SEL) program, Panorama. The consortium has also worked with the Harm Reduction Collaborative to offer weekly, community-based harm reduction services, including naloxone distribution, rapid HIV and hepatitis C testing, fentanyl testing strips, medical referrals, overdose prevention/harm reduction education, and safer sex supplies. Additionally, the grant has helped support drug take-back days, billing and coding training, the development of a web-based, searchable mental health and addiction services resource guide, and community resources.
Looking ahead to the remaining grant period, the consortium is excited. Some of the projects ahead include expanding services with Miami University and Talawanda School District students, supporting community drug take-back days, providing transportation assistance to those seeking substance use disorder care, and working with the Regional Harm Reduction Collaborative and the Butler County General Health District to add syringe exchange services to harm reduction services already being provided to the community.
If you want to learn more about their project, please join our first RCORP-TA “Ask-a-Grantee” Live (featuring Butler County of Ohio) on Wednesday, May 25, from 1:15–2:00pm ET. Click here to learn more.